Naomi Payne

2012 August 15

Created by Naomi Linda Payne 9 years ago
Granddaughter of Linda Hewitt. Myself and members of my family have opted to organise two fundraising events including a sponsored walk along South Shields Coast Road and also a charity night at a local pub. We have organised singers/bands, food and raffles including a range of prizes such as: A weekend away for 2 to a cottage near Sheffield 2 signed football shirts Drinks hampers Sweet and chocolate hampers Salon treatments including hair and beauty Meals for 4 people at the Jolly Steward pub And many more. We are extremely confident that we will raise over £2000 and are hoping to, in time, reach the £5000 mark to 'Name a Star' in memory of my Nanna. Love you so much nanna, rest in peace xxx